Infertility is not achieving pregnancy even after a year of regular unprotected intercourse. It can be due to fertility problems in a female partner or male partner or both partners. If the problem is of a male reproductive system, then it is called male infertility. The major concerns for male infertility are the creation and storage of sperm, transport of sperm from testicles to penis, and delivery of sperm to the female reproductive tract during intercourse. To conceive a child, a man’s sperm needs to combine with a female’s egg during ovulation.
Due to the changing lifestyle, food habits, and physical inactivity, infertility cases are increasing drastically throughout the world. Overall, one-third of infertility cases are due to female problems, one-third of infertility cases are of male infertility problems, and the remaining one-third of cases are due to problems in both partners. According to recent studies, it is termed as 50% of infertility problems are caused due to malefactors.
Causes of male infertility:
The most common causes of infertility in a male are:
1. Problems related to the production of healthy sperm and transportation:
Some of the major disorders include Azoospermia, Oligospermia, poor motility of sperm, abnormal structure, not fully grown sperm which play a key role in male fertility issues. Unhealthy life like smoking or drinking can lead to reduced sperm count. Long-term diseases like kidney stones and childhood diseases like mumps can also reduce sperm quality and count. 10 to 15% of infertile men have a lack of sperm which can be due to hormone problems and blockages in sperm movement. Premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction are two major problems associated with sperm and infertility problems in men.
2. Varicoceles:
It is an enlargement of veins within the scrotum that results in blockage of adequate blood flow and damage to sperm development. Varicoceles may cause the flow of blood from the stomach to the scrotum which results in the heating of testicles that produce sperm. This can lead to the production of less sperm. It is seen in 40% of infertile men.
3. Retrograde Ejaculation:
In this case, semen flows back to the body i.e. into the bladder when it is not closed. So even though sperm is present in the semen, it can’t reach the vagina.
4. Hormonal imbalance:
Chromosome or hormone issues (such as low testosterone and thyroid problems) are other causes of low sperm counts. Damage can cause small or no sperm to the reproductive cycle.
Other common causes are sexually transmitted disease (STD) and Cancer-related treatments which involve radiation therapy.
Note: Approximately, in 50% of male infertility cases, exact reasons are unknown. Even in such cases, homeopathy treatment works like wonder as it can boost the overall health of the person.
Symptoms of male infertility:
- Problems with sexual function (lack of sexual desire, problem with ejaculation and erection)
- Pain and swelling in testicles,
- Abnormal hair growth is a sign of chromosomal and hormonal abnormality.
Homeopathy Treatment for male infertility:
Homeopathy treatment for all male fertility problems is safe, effective, and has no side effects. Conventional Treatment may have fast results but can show lots of side effects later on in the future. Homeopathy treatment works on the root cause of the problem to give the best results that help to conceive a child naturally.
Constitutional Homeopathy Treatment at Homeocare International:
Expert doctors at Homeocare International treat the infertile male with the best constitutional homeopathy treatment based on analysis of symptoms, family history, genetics, and physical and psychological condition of the patient to help natural conception and improve their overall health.
For more information on male infertility treatment at Homeocare international, call our toll-free number 1800-102-2202 and book your appointment today.