What is Male infertility?
When a man has the least chance to make his female partner pregnant, then it is referred to as male infertility. For a woman to get pregnant, the Production of healthy sperm, transportation, mixing with semen, and ejaculation should happen efficiently in a man. If any problem arises in this process, it leads to fertility problems in men.
Male fertility usually depends on his sperm health i.e. quality, quantity, mobility, and structure (morphology), and sometimes it may also depend on sexual function i.e. libido, erectile dysfunction, and testosterone levels.
Prevalence of male infertility
Infertility is affecting one in every six couples in the world and one in every three cases the problem is due to male infertility. In more than one-third of instances of male infertility, infertility is caused due to sperm count problems, motility, abnormal sperm function, or blockages preventing sperm movement. Other reasons contributing to male infertility are chronic health conditions, lifestyle decisions, accidents, etc. Even exposure to toxic environments can affect reproductive health and sperm quality.
Best Way to Boost Male Fertility and Increase sperm count
There is no need to worry as treatment like homeopathy for male infertility exists which boosts male infertility and increases sperm count. There are some recommendations along with homeopathy treatment that gives the best results. They are:
Do regular exercise:
Along with good general health, exercising regularly increases testosterone levels and improves fertility. It is also helpful to maintain a healthy weight. But too much exercise may have negative results like reduced testosterone levels. Zinc plays a key role in male fertility which boosts sperm quality and testosterone levels.
Relax and meditate to minimize stress:
Stress can increase levels of cortisol which has a negative impact on levels of testosterone. When cortisol levels increase, testosterone levels decrease which affect sperm production. To avoid this problem, relax more and try to meditate to decrease the stress levels.
Try to get enough vitamin C and Vitamin D:
An antioxidant like vitamin C reduces inflammation, boosts the immune system, and reduces the impact of environmental pollutants on the body which indirectly contribute to improving sperm quality and quantity.
Vitamin D plays a major role in both male and female infertility. It boosts male fertility by regulating testosterone levels. Higher the vitamin D levels, the greater the sperm motility.
Add zinc and fenugreek or their supplements to the diet:
Zinc deficiency is associated with low sperm quality and low levels of testosterone which results in a high risk of occurrence of male infertility. To avoid this problem zinc supplements are essential. Fenugreek supplements show a significant increase in testosterone levels and are useful to maintain a healthy weight.
Get enough Sleep:
The average sleep an adult should have is 6 to 8 hours every night. Research on this aspect has shown negative results due to inadequate sleep like low sperm count and quality. So try to maintain a sleep schedule to improve sleep.
Stay cool:
Try to avoid hot baths for longer durations which increases body temperature and increased scrotal temperature has a negative impact on male fertility like reduced sperm production. So try to keep your body cool.
Homeopathy treatment for infertility in men
Homeopathy treatment helps the couple to achieve natural conception safely and effectively and is the best non-invasive approach to deal with the root cause of male infertility problems without any side effects.
Constitutional Homeopathy treatment for Infertility in men- Homeocare International
Experienced homeopaths at Homeocare International treat all male fertility problems with an in-depth analysis of the symptoms of an individual, genetics, health conditions, and lifestyle to conceive a couple naturally, after understanding the root cause of the problem treatment is prescribed to get the best results like improving sperm count, motility and overall health system of the individual.
To know more information about Homeocare International treatment for male infertility, call 1800-102-2202 and book your appointment today!