Azoospermia and Oligospermia are names of the problems related to male infertility. Azoospermia is where semen has no sperm at all and Oligospermia is not a lot of sperm available in the semen.
It is a medical condition where the ejaculate of men has no sperm at all. It affects about 1% of the male population. It requires a minimum of twice sample tests to confirm Azoospermia.
Types of Azoospermia:
Azoospermia occurs due to a lack of sperm production in testicles or blockage that prevents them from getting out of it. There are three types of Azoospermia based on this aspect.
They are:
- Pre-testicular Azoospermia: It is a non-obstructive type of Azoospermia in which the testicles are normal but can’t produce sperm or they produce immature sperm. It can occur due to hormonal imbalances and genetic disorders.
- Testicular Azoospermia: It’s also a non-obstructive type of azoospermia in which the testicles are damaged and can’t produce sperm regularly. It can be caused due to a reproductive tract infection, a childhood sickness like viral orchitis, a groin injury, radiation treatments for cancer, and genetic conditions such as Klinefelter’s syndrome.
- Post-testicular Azoospermia: It is a type of Obstructive Azoospermia in which sperm cannot leave the body due to a blockage. The epididymis or the vas deferens tubes, which store and transport sperm might cause this occlusion. 40% of azoospermia cases are due to this post-testicular Azoospermia.
It is the major cause of infertility in men that availability of very less sperm when compared to the minimum required for conception. According to the WHO organization, the minimum sperm count in ejaculate should be 20 million. The sperm count which is less than that is termed Oligospermia or Oligozoospermia.
Types of Oligospermia:
Based on the severity Oligospermia also 3 types:
- Mild Oligospermia: It occurs when the sperm count is between 10 and 15 million per milliliter of blood.
- Moderate Oligospermia: A sperm count of 5 to 10 million sperm/mL is diagnosed.
- Severe Oligospermia: When the sperm count is between 0 and 5 million sperm/mL, it is considered as severe Oligospermia.
Causes of Azoospermia:
- Trauma or injury
- Infections
- Inflammation
- Development of a cyst
- Vasectomy
- Cystic fibrosis gene mutation
- Surgeries in the pelvic area
Causes of Oligospermia:
- Varicocele
- Sexually transmitted diseases
- Certain medications
- Ejaculation problems
- Hormone imbalance
- High testicular temperature
- Obesity
- Excess alcohol consumption
- Environmental exposure
Homeopathy Treatment for Azoospermia and Oligospermia:
Homeopathy Treatment for Azoospermia or Oligospermia is safe and effective in treating Azoospermia and Oligospermia by eliminating the root cause of the problems. Homeopathic treatment for azoospermia and Oligospermia is very effective in reversing the problems and causes no side effects.
Homeopathy treats the person as a whole and improves the immunity of the patient to avoid the recurrence of the condition.
Constitutional Homeopathy Treatment for Azoospermia and Oligospermia:
At Homeocare International, experienced homeopathy doctors provide Constitutional Homeopathy Treatment for Azoospermia or oligospermia based on careful analysis of the patient’s symptoms, a medication used for other health conditions, psychological and emotional conditions of the patient to get the best results without side effects. Azoospermia treatment in constitutional homeopathy helps the patient to become fertile by treating underlying health conditions that cause Azoospermia or Oligospermia problems and improves the overall health of the patient.
Please call our toll-free number 1800-102-2202 for more information on constitutional Homeopathy treatment for Azoospermia and Oligospermia at Homeocare International.